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Homelab: Introduction

less than 1 minute read

I’m using a somewhat ancient Raspberry Pi 3B+ as a home server and NAS. This series of posts summarizes the steps I took to get it all up an running.

An Unreasonably Unfair Earphone Shootout

11 minute read

I spent quite a bit of time stuck on a chair in the air this year. Music is important to me, so I’ve been traveling with Oppo PM-3 — a wonderful planar magnetic, over-hear, closed-back headphone.

Unguibus et Rostro

2 minute read

A throwback to the ancient history of UI customization, part two: circa 2005, my so-called career as a designer received a huge boost when Phill Ryu asked me to participate in the Shapeshifter theme contest, organized to celebrate the re-opening of MacThemes forum.

Audeze LCD-X: A Review

11 minute read

I have had my pair of Audeze LCD-X for about a month now. Considering how few real world impressions of these seem to be available out there, I thought I’d scribble a few words about this rather interesting headphone.